Tooth extractions, spacers, braces, retainers, and the search for a beautiful smile!

I've decided to write about my experiences getting braces. This is done in the hope that my story might help supply some insight for someone wanting to have their own orthodontic braces. There are not too many other complete accounts of people's real experiences with these procedures, so hopefully my story will be informative so someone.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Removal of my bicuspids

 Getting all prepped for the extraction. I was given shots on either side of my mouth and laughing gas.

Day 1. Just a few hours after the extraction. I had stopped bleeding only an hour after the removal. 

 The teeth, oh lord, the teeth. My doctor this time was cool enough to let me keep these, unlike my surgeon who removed my wisdom teeth. 

 Day 2. Not really much blood left, the holes started to close immediately. 

 Day 5. Looks a little odd have a couple gaps, but nothing else looks out of the ordinary. 

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